Thursday, August 2, 2012


Today's photo prompt is "One".  This word sent me off in a million directions but I kept going back to a picture I took a couple days ago. Maybe going back to a previously taken photo isn't in the spirit of all things Photo A Day but I have decided that I am not that concerned about rules or parameters.
This is  a cone flower called "Paprika".  Pretty isn't it?

My gardens ( or "beds" as I usually call them) are things that always bring me joy - especially when all I have to do is look at them instead of weed, trim, or clean them out for fall.  They certainly are a big part of my life in the warmer weather.  Many times after a run in the morning or after dinner at night (can you tell I don't like hot weather?) I will take a slow walk around the house, stopping and looking at each bed's blooms and searching for weeds or bugs or other signs of growth or trouble.

Which reminds me that I have not seen a single toad in any of the beds this year.  I know it sounds a little silly, but I LIKE the toads!  I want them in my flowers.  They eat a lot of bugs  - many of which I am not a fan.  Yes, I will work in the beds with bugs and all (though spiders usually send me inside) other creatures.  Once I spent an entire summer with small rabbit playing hide-n-seek with me in the garden just outside the master bedroom.
Oops!  I am off on a tangent.

I will let you go in a second.... just one more thing to add....

This is the other "one" that came to mind.  Banana Macadamia Nut Pancakes in Hawaii.  Now that is a one I can appreciate from all angles!

When I get so old that I need to go in a home [because no one will shoot me instead] you will only have my blessing if the place has amazing food.  Amazing.  Not mediocre. Not pretty good.  Amazing. 
 ...and yeah, it will be like that!

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