Monday, September 17, 2012

A Dog in the Life

  A Dog in the Life
I don't know or own these dogs. I just like their picture!  If I had multiple dogs I would train them to lots of fun stuff.  I probably wouldn't have any friends either as I can get wrapped up in a dog, or dogs, and completely forget people.
Allow me to show you a few from my life.
This is Stewart (named after Rod). I haven't seen him in a while but he used to come stay with me while his owner was away for a weekend or something. He normally doesn't wear a bow. My daughter thought it would be fun to put one on him. Oddly, he seems to like it. Of course, Stewart had been tortured by being dressed up in many outfits.
Next up is Scooter. Scooter is known by his owner as "Poo-Pie". He's got a lot of character in his expressions. Poo-pie didn't like my husband the first day or so he stayed with us. He'd bark so fiercely when Jim walked in the door....but he'd be backing up the whole time he was doing it. He eventually came to love Jim. Both of the above dogs love to take a nap with Jim on the sofa on a lazy Sunday afternoon. And, no, we never allowed our dog on the furniture when he was alive. Of course, Scooter doesn't shed and Stewart is so small, who cares?
These next ones are of my dog.  he was a Brittany Spaniel named Parker and he was my wing-man!  We grew very close over the years and while I still miss him every now and then, I do not miss the hair that used to line the edges of the hallway and covered his favorites spots on the area rugs.  He had a lot of personality too, as you will see below.
The above photo is Parker fishing.  Call him crazy, but he used to stand in the pond and watch and wait for the blue gills to get close enough to snap at underwater.  And, yes, he did put his head under to get them. You can see a couple of the fish by his nose in the photo.

This is Josie. She's pretty new - not even a year old yet. That picture on the top is pretty much not how she looks anymore. She is a chocolate lab and is going to weigh in at the top of the scale, I think. She is a big girl that loves the water and her boy. Her boy thinks he's the one in charge and in control. We all know better than that, don't we?

These last few shots are of Gunner. This is my daughter and son-in-law's dog. They rescued him from a shelter. While there were a few issues to be tweaked after his arrival, he has become a very firm member of his owners' family. As you can see, his expressions are priceless. What you see here barely scratches the surface. How can you not love a dog like that?

Think about the animals in your life, if you have any.  For me this just covers a few of the dog I know and love.  I never had any idea there were so many until I started writing this.  Surprised myself!
Now I better go do something productive and surprise myself again for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Aw the puppers :) You do have a lot of dogs in your life :) Gunner thanks you for the shout out!
