Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where, oh where?

(this is me knocking myself out hunting for what I can't find!)

I need to have a little rant here.  If you know me and have been on Facebook tonight, you will have seen my blog title in my most recent post.  If you haven't then I will explain.  I have been looking for something that I know I have but it is not where it should be.  In this instance it is a camera photo card.  My husband bought a new "Critter Cam" needed a card for it.  I know I have an extra so I offered it to him. Yeah, well, nice idea, poor execution.
Needless to say, I have been sitting here going through the same drawers and cupboards over and over again, as if going through it one more time would make it magically appear!  I can't seem to stop because the places I am looking are the places I would normally put it.
Apparently I was not normal when I put that extra card away for safe keeping until it's needed. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened and I have never fouod what I am looking for even after several weeks, months, years!
Which brings me to that little voice in the back of my head that, at times like this says, "What is the matter with you?!?"  Of course, I then have to release a heavy sigh and reminisce about all the goofy-assed things I have done in my leaving my cell phone in the pantry on top of the M&Ms jar, or putting the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge, pushing a rake, forgetting about a baby gate in a doorway and tripping over it, setting my Walkman on the bumper of my car (only to find it still there upon arriving at my destination),  allowing the dog to run around and around only to find it's me that he has run around and I am now firmly tethered at the ankles to his rope, leaving my coffee cup on the side of the bathtub, putting my coat on inside out, the list goes on and on.  These goofs span a lifetime!
So what's the matter with me?  Nothing, I think.  I think I was having one of those "I am Super Organized Girl!" days and I outdid myself.  Otherwise, I would be able to find that card.
Yeah.  Some days it is like that.

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