Friday, September 7, 2012

More paint

 I haven't had time to get on here lately and regale you with my fabulous stories and witticisms.  Did you miss me?

There has been a lot going on in the past three weeks or so - there was the wedding, my mom moving into a nursing home ( lots of trips north), the fair, terracotta pot hunting (looking for big ones to transplant my clivia into), appointments, painting, Scrabble,  haircut, gardening, and a couple trips to Fort Wayne for movies, food, and fun. 

I am fortunate to have time to do whatever I want to do, however I sometimes take that time for granted and just surf the net.  I am all over the internet and what I should do is get all over painting.  Skills don't develop without practice!

Anyway, I wanted to show you what's been happening in my painting world.

This first is mixed media - colored pencil and water color paint. Simple, really but I am struggling with the washes that go over what is already on the paper. Practice practice practice!

Below is a technique used for creating a fog-like background.  I need to work on this technique a little more too, I think.
Three barns, two ways.  The top is  just a plain old water color the bottom two are painted on a surface of modeling paste.  I love working on this medium and have two more pages ready to go.  Let's hope it's not a barn.
And these little  birds I just drew with an ink pen and then colored in with water color paint.  They make me smile because I have been trying to draw cartoon-like birds for a while and finally found an easy way to do it.  While I probably wouldn't hang this in my house as a "piece of art", I will put them on my bulletin board and smile when I look at them.  I think they are cute!
I have mixed emotions about pursuing this method of art.   I wish it was just a God-given artistic talent but it's clear that it's not.  However I do enjoy it...but when I tell people I am taking classes I get that look and/or response that says, "Oh.  Empty nest?"  "Midlife crisis?"  Well, the nest is empty and I am in mid-life and really hate thinking that my activities are cliche!  I want to be good at this, not just bide my time!  I am going to think of a clever statement to this look/response.  Trust me, the one talent I do have is sarcasm.
Have you ever tried something determined to succeed in but struggled the whole time?  Did you succeed or did you give up?  I take no issue with giving up as long as the effort is valiant.   How long should someone continue to try something before stopping?  For me, it's until I stop enjoying myself. 
Trust me, I have thought many times to just quit but I keep getting called back.  This is a new life-lesson.  Funny how we never really do stop learning.



  1. Two things: 1) The word Clivia...sounds dirty. teheh

    2) Your painting is getting better, you are just to close to it (and get frustrated) to notice it all the time. I also love the little birds! I want one!

  2. Hahaha! I know, Clivia sounds dirty - which has always made discussing them with people who don't know what they are until I tell them such a riot! Like when Kim says, "Would you like to see my Clivia? It's blooming!" Love the look on the face!

    I sort of borrowed the shape of the birds from that little tile I gave you. Go check it out. Mostly it's the body shape that I borrowed. The eyes and feathers are different...don't know if that translates into stealing but makes me wonder if they are different enough to do some more of them.
    As always, you can have what you like. Come get it!
